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IFT Receptionist [Darlene Vogel played Spike in Griff's Gang in 2015]: It
seems we are experiencing a sytems failure in our security check. Time Travel Volunteers please stand by Doc Brown will be
with you in just a moment and we will begin preperation for our journey one day into the future. The uh new 8-passenger DeLorean
is currently running it's pre-time travel systems checks so please stand by.

Einstein: [Barking at a television that has Biff on it]
Doc Brown: Einie!
Biff: Ha Ha Ha! [Smash!]

Doc Brown: What's that Einie? You see somethi...huuuhhh!!!! Great Scott,
it seems we have an intruder alert. All sectors report in immediately. Quadron 1 checkin.
Quadron 1: Locked and Secured Doc.
Doc Brown: Level Two Check in.
Level Two: Locked and Secured Doc.
Doc Brown: Section 3 check in.
Section 3: Locked and Secured Doc.
Doc Brown: Zone 4 check in. Zone 4 do you copy? I'm a Butthead?! Jumpin
Jigowatts it's Biff!! I'm sorry folks but we're currently experiencing an unprecidented debilitation of our security systems,
in other words: We got problems! There's only one trouble maker who can throw a monkey wrench into works like this: Biff Tannen
- Juvenile delinquent, graduated Hill Valley High School class of 1955, 1955?!

Doc Brown: There's something very strange going on around here, at any rate
stay alert. If Tannen gets his hands on some of the equipment around here at the institute it could mean the end of the very
universe as we know it! Anyway...enjoy the rest of your visit.

Automatic Dog Food: Chow Time. Chow Time. Chow Time. Chow Time. Chow Time.
Chow Time.
Biff: Hello? Anybody Home, huh? What are you lookin at butt-head? Wait a second,
you're the suckers Doc Brown conned into his time travel experiment, you know some of Doc Brown's guinea pigs never make it
back. Hahahaha. I'm not sayin you shouldn't volunteer, I just hope the Doc's makin it worth your while, If it was me I'd throw
some cash you're way but hey I'm a generous guy. Come to think of it maybe I can make it worth your while. That is if you
help me find Doc Brown's time machine. You know the flying DeLorean. What's the matter you chicken?

Doc Brown: Whew! I had to check there for a second, now if my assumption is
correct Biff must have entered the complexy diabolically disguised as one of you. Now it's not your fault but I'd check your
neighbour or loved one if I were you. And remember: Biff can be quite persuasive but don't listen to him! At the present time
we are scouring every inch of the institute with a fine tooth comb, so it's only a matter of time before we catch that juvenile
Gaurd 1: Hey you! See any suspiscous looking characters around here?
Biff: Uh no sir. It's been quiet as a rat. Just repairin this security camera
incase anyone does show up.
Gaurd 1: Well okay, you just keep your eyes peeled, I here this guys a real
Biff: Nutcase?!
Gaurd 2: Well ,what about you people any sign of trouble? No, well keep a
look-out this guy's a real jerk!
Biff: Ha, they call this security? Gimme a break, there's no way Doc Brown's
gonna stop me now. Excuse me, I gotta finish my repair work, hahahahhahahah.

Doc Brown: Even though we have little security problem on our hands we must
prepare you for temporal-displacement, that's time travel to you. Now, it's crucial that I spend a little time going over
the basics of time travel, perhaps this demonstration will suffice. Figuring out the space-time continuum is tricky business,
believe me I know! And that's why I developed this, my ultimate scientific acheivement, the new 8-passenger DeLorean time
vehicle. It's faster, more energy efficient and it's convertible. I figure if you know what the weather is going to be like
in the future why not just time travel to the sunny days? Whether it's an intergenerational carpool or a quadruple date through
time this baby's got it.

Doc Brown: But, it's only for those who take time travel very seriously and
that means you! But, remember this is all top secret, with Tannen on the loose we can't afford to take any chances. See What
I mean?!
Biff: Have a nice trip, see you next winter! Hahahah!
Gaurd 1: It's fall you idiot! See you next fall!

Doc Brown: I assure you this is hardly business as usual around here at
the institute. A mere fluke, our security system is virtually inpenitrable, it'll take more than a hoverboarding hood to pull
the plug on this operation! Huuuhh!
Biff: Hahahha!
Doc Brown: Darn, Darn, Darn!